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​​Our team members and associates have more than 30 years of experience across a range of industries, including health, education, finance, leisure and retail.

As specialists in Workplace Learning and Development; equalities, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and employment law, we will personally hand pick the team that will work with you to unearth the gold within your teams and individuals - and subsequently enhance the organisations you work for.

We also specialise in workplace and adult learning - quality control and assurance. 

For those unable to qualify for trade union representation, for a reasonable fee, we will assist with the preparation of their case, ready for a lawyer/barrister to take it to court/tribunal.

  About Us 

Whatever your workplace learning need is, being Serious About Solutions means we will work alongside you to achieve the very best outcome.

What We Do



  • Seminar and conference organising

  • Change programmes

  • Mergers

  • Research

  • Disciplinary and grievance investigations

  • Reviewing and revising policies








Office: (+44)  8533  3538

Mobile: (+44)  7480  687  458




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 Contact Us

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Teams and Departments

  • Restructuring

  • Team building

  • Conflict resolution

  • Bereavement

  • Training pathways and plans

Individual and Personalised

  • Personal development

  • Bespoke mentoring

  • New enterprise

  • Re-skilling

  • Employment Law advice

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Serious About Solutions works in partnership with organisations across a range of industries.

Let us know which sectors you are interested in and we'll email anything our team think is relevant.

Note:   We do not share our partners' and clients' data with any third party

Quote for the month


“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you”   


B. B. King

>  What we can do for you  <
Employment Law Advice and Tribunal Preparation

Now that things have returned to the ‘new normal’, we have had an increase in the number of clients needing employment law advice. Support with preparing cases for Employment Tribunal is also on the rise.

If you need help or advice with employment law (including understanding your workplace policies) or preparing for a tribunal hearing, contact Serious About Solutions. If you require more than basic advice, our team will support you through the relevant steps.

We will assist no matter how far you are through the process, but it is always best to seek our advice as soon as you realise there might be a problem.  That way, we are more likely to be able to help you to avoid the most costly of escalations.  

For more information, contact us here: Serious About Solutions

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